Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Evangelism Is A Vital Aspect Of Church Work - 1718 Words

Evangelism is a vital aspect of church work. Without evangelism, the church cannot grow. The word itself describes the idea of reaching out and converting people to Christ. Unfortunately, we have lost sight of this noble goal. The command of our Savior to go into all of the world and preach the gospel is often taught, but rarely followed (Matt. 28:19-20; Mark 16:15-16). Poor teaching and faulty approaches to outreach are responsible for this. We must remedy these problems in order for the church of our Lord to grow as God desires. Remedying the problems that the church faces is not easy. They are deeply rooted and people will create road-blocks to solutions. Our first approach to solving these issues rests in education. How effective will an evangelistic campaign be if the members are not trained? People will only do as well as they are taught and challenged; therefore, we need to formulate a solid educational program relating to evangelism. The first phase of this is teaching member s where evangelism starts: in the church itself. Church evangelism starts with members fellowshipping outside of the building and showing concern for their brothers and sisters. We cannot reasonably expect any campaign to be successful without the members being close-knit. The community needs to see the congregation exhibit a family-like environment. Our members should feel like their spiritual families are closer to them than their physical families. The goal for the congregation should beShow MoreRelatedChristian Evangelism And Discipleship On Christ s Command Of Christ1625 Words   |  7 PagesFollow Up Plan Follow-up is essential to fulfilling the command of Christ to make disciples of all nations. It is the bridge between evangelism and discipleship Waylon Moore once said, â€Å"There is no continuing New Testament evangelism without follow-up. 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